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Pen test - Phishing campaign - Code audit
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Pen test - Phishing campaign - Code audit
Pen Test: A Pen Test is a simulation of an attack on a computer system. It aims to discover potential vulnerabilities resulting from incorrect code, system errors or incorrect configurations.
It is crucial to identify weaknesses in your security defenses before they are exploited by malicious attackers. This helps protect sensitive data and ensure business continuity. It also allows you to test the reaction of your IT team.
More generally, computer penetration testing is an essential cybersecurity practice aimed at assessing the vulnerability of computer systems and identifying security flaws. Penetration tests are systematic, controlled IT security assessments that simulate attacks to identify vulnerabilities. They are conducted ethically by security professionals to detect potential vulnerabilities before malicious attackers exploit them.
Phishing campaign: this is a fraud attempt where the attacker poses as a trusted entity to deceive victims and obtain sensitive information.
By simulating phishing attacks, you can assess your staff's preparedness and improve training and security protocols to prevent real attacks.
Code audit: The systematic examination of an application's source code to detect security vulnerabilities, coding errors and bugs.
It ensures that the software is free from flaws that could be exploited by attackers, guaranteeing data integrity, confidentiality and availability.