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IT SYSTEMES meets your needs at 360°.
Move from digital transformation to digital culture!
Rely on our team of experts to support you in your thinking and your choices.
We train your teams and maintain an optimum level of security.
Discover our 4 brands below!
Digitizing for better control
With our team of experts, we've been supporting our customers for over 15 years in the design and implementation of On-Premise, hybrid or Cloud information systems. This expertise will enable us to guide you through tomorrow's technological challenges, to ensure a successful digital transformation.
Certified and recognized by the main players in the market, we have recognized expertise that we put at the disposal of our customers and partners to ensure the success of their projects. With a team that is constantly being trained and working on the most innovative projects, we are always one step ahead, enabling us to meet your requirements.
With over 15 years' experience and the completion of more than 1,000 projects, we have unique feedback enabling us to respond to any request. We've also experienced the evolution of products, enabling us to understand their evolution and impact on your project.
Technician, engineer, expert, project manager, with Pure Expert's teams we master every facet of your project to offer you 360° support, avoiding the duplication of service providers and the associated risks. We also have total control over the projects we carry out 100% in-house.
Digitizing for better security
As French experts in IT security, we bring you all our know-how to guarantee the efficiency of your end-to-end defense chain. To ensure the highest level of security with a zero-trust strategy.
Cyber security is no longer a question of tools, but of implementing a global security system that takes into account every element of the enterprise, and thus offers the highest level of security. With our teams of cyber security experts, we have the vision to put your security first.
For over 15 years, we've kept abreast of all the latest developments in cybersecurity, and were among the first Microsoft partners to deploy modern security bricks. Thanks to this experience and our recognized know-how, we can offer you the security solutions best suited to your business.
Judge or party
Guided by uncompromising ethics, we support our customers in implementing high-level security. In some cases, we invite our customers to carry out a security audit to validate our work. Under no circumstances will we be able to carry out your security project and perform an audit at the same time. If you've already implemented a security solution and would like an audit, we'd be delighted to assist you.
Digitizing for better value
With Goodwill, you can take control of your own success by drawing on the expertise of our business specialists to deploy the technologies best suited to your organization's needs. Our expertise will help you define and manage your digital transformation.
The business
Our technical expertise enables us to complete high-flying projects without a hitch. This technical success doesn't always take into account business issues and the impact on users. With our Goodwill business experts, we integrate business issues at the heart of the technical project to guarantee 360° project success.
Over the years, with our accumulated experience, we have come to realize the importance of integrating the business aspect to ensure the success of the technical project. By working on business impacts, ensuring that business processes are maintained or evolve in parallel with the project, we deliver the best possible experience for employees.
Goodwill's experts all come from business backgrounds, with training that has enabled them to master the technical aspects, but above all they are experts with in-depth knowledge of your business processes, your business tools and the future challenges to be taken into account to guarantee efficient digital transformation.
Digitizing for better automation
As French experts in robotized process automation solutions, our mission is to add value to your data through data visualization, process automation and the development of applications to enhance your productivity and the well-being of your employees.
Over the years, the solutions offered by market players have become increasingly standardized. This offers a number of advantages, but limits the scope for solutions tailored to specific business needs. Although 80% of applications are standard within organizations, it is nevertheless necessary to adapt certain applications or develop new ones to meet specific business requirements.
For many customers, the main difficulty lies in the multiplication of solutions that create numerous sources of data storage, with the complexity of keeping all software at the same level of information. Our experts, who have developed the FlexFlow solution, will provide you with a hub for centralizing exchanges and synchronizing your software.
Beyond the development part, the main challenge of a project of this type is to define the specifications and validate the relevance of the processes. Our experts are particularly sensitive to this point, to guarantee the durability of their work and ensure that your application is both useful and relevant.
Interested in our solutions?
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