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Backup - BCP - DRP

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Our expertise with

Backup - BCP - DRP

Backup: the first line of defense!

It's the process of copying and archiving data and information to enable recovery in the event of loss, corruption or destruction. It is crucial for the preservation of essential data and business continuity.

Backup can be redundant at several geographical locations to avoid loss in the event of an accident (fire, flood, theft, etc.).

BCP (Business Continuity Plan) :

The BCP is a set of strategies and procedures designed to ensure the continuity of a company's critical operations and services during and after an incident such as a cyber attack.

The IT infrastructure is duplicated, enabling the entire IS to be restarted in a matter of minutes or even seconds.

The aim is to reduce the financial, operational and reputational impact of an unforeseen interruption.

DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) :

DRP focuses on the rapid restoration of IT systems and data after an interruption, to ensure the resumption of normal operations.

Machines are reserved for backups, enabling the IS to be restarted within a few hours.

Each of these elements plays a crucial role in a company's overall resilience and recovery strategy in the face of disasters and unforeseen interruptions. They work together to ensure that the company can not only survive unforeseen incidents, but also resume operations quickly and efficiently.


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