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Microsoft OneDrive

Discover Microsoft OneDrive, formerly known as SkyDrive, the cloud-based file storage service. Launched in 2007, it enables users to synchronize their files wherever they are, as well as sharing them. OneDrive is the "personal" space for company employees, so the difference between OneDrive and SharePoint is its purpose.

Our expertise with

Microsoft OneDrive

This storage and synchronization tool also offers 1 TB of storage per licensed employee. It is therefore important to train employees in the use of OneDrive.

But before we talk about user training, we need to think about structuring this space!

Migrating data from a personal space to OneDrive is not a simple click or drag-and-drop operation. You need to think ahead to ensure that items are not lost or altered.

Once the data has been migrated, the other important point is to train employees on OneDrive. OneDrive lets you share, transfer and collaborate on documents, but first you need to explain and understand the difference between SharePoint and OneDrive.

Next, we can train on how to use OneDrive and especially how OneDrive behaves in the Microsoft 365 environment.

If you need advice on choosing a license, training on the difference between OneDrive and SharePoint, or simply to migrate to OneDrive, contact us.


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